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Thesis Defense

Thesis Defense

Quick LinksOral Exam Application Matters  Actual day oral examination preparations  End of the oral examination

A. Oral Exam Application Requirements:

1. Required academic points for graduation:  Compulsory courses (10 academic points); Selective courses (14 academic points); Graduation threshold courses.

2. Pass the “Academic Research Ethics Education Course”. Please refer to the “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” Implementation Rules and Student’s Manual. (Students admitted from the Academic Year 106 onwards) 

“Academic Research Ethics Education Course” Implementation Rules This is an image

“Academic Research Ethics Education Course” Student’s Manual This is an image

3.Pass the “Thesis Plagiarism Verification System” requirement.  (Kuai Dao Chinese Plagiarism Verification System)

Verification system link: https: //
User Manual link:

B. Oral Exam Application

Based on the “Notice on research students’ graduation and leaving the school matters” This is an image posted on the academic department website.
Include the flowchart for graduation matters, upload of documents, documents to prepare for the final exam, thesis format checklist and manual.

Oral examination applications are made online (student system) → print out the paper to conduct the Oral Examination.
*For details, please refer to the oral examination procedure below.

1. Required documents:

a. Final Exam Application Form. Print out the digitised copy after filling it. (refer to the “Flowchart for Oral Exam Application” section)  
b. Thesis Advising Professor Recommendation LetterThis is an image This is an image This document can be downloaded from the application system.
c. Academic points checklist. Download it after the online application is completed.
d. Proof of completion of the “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” 
e. Cover page of the “Thesis Plagiarism Verification System (Kuai Dao) Report”. (Only have to print the page with the “result graph/chart”. Do not have to print the whole report.) 
f. A copy of the thesis (file it neatly in a document folder). To include the thesis front cover page 
This is an image This is an image, back cover page This is an image This is an image, abstract (500-1000 words), content page, main text. (Other than the main cover page, the thesis advising professor recommendation letter, oral panel of assessors forms, the other pages have to include the watermark This is an image.)
g. “Final Exam Application Required Documents” and “Thesis Format” assessing checklist (2 copies) This is an image

PS: In the above form, there are three places where signatures are required:
Instructor's signature is required in 3 places: ② Thesis Application Form, ③ Recommendation Letter from Instructor, and ⑥ Similarity Comparison Checklist.
Students are required to sign at 5 places: "①Documentation Checklist", "④Credit Checklist (2 fields)", "⑥Similarity Comparison Checklist", and "⑦Thesis Format Checklist".


After the oral examination, the topics of all papers must be the same, if any discrepancy will be rejected.

If there is a change of the thesis title during the oral examination, you must inform the faculty officer who will rejecct the initial online application.

1. Please manually modify the paper title on the "② Application Form" to a new title, and ask the supervisor to sign on the modification. 
You are required to re-submit the online application with the new thesis title.
2. After the title of "③ Supervisor's Recommendation Letter" has been modified, please ask the supervisor to re-sign it, but the date must be on the same day as the old document
(Do not have to re-print the Graduate Program Final Score Sheet, you can fill in the new thesis title on top of the score sheet.)
3. Question title "Examination committee score sheet": In the new paper field, fill in the new
4. "Report Form": Fill in the new thesis title field, and the supervisor must sign in the answer field.
5. "Thesis Oral Examination Approval Form": Reprint and ask all committee members to re-sign.
6. After the title of "⑥ Similarity Comparison Checklist" needs to be updated, please instruct the professor to re-sign it, and after the paper file needs to be updated to the new title, re-upload it for comparison, and then provide the new report to the department office.


2. Application Period:

a. From the start  of the new school term to the end of the 18th week. (Based on the Time Schedule announced by the academic department)
b. Confirm the oral examination date and time and the panel of assessors with your thesis advising professor. (If the system do not have any record of the external assessor’s information, you have to obtain the assessor’s teaching certification number from your advising professor and give it to the faculty officer to include it in the system) 
c. As it takes about 5-7 working days to process your application, please put in your application as least 2 weeks before your exam date.   


3. Oral exam period:

a. Beginning of the school term to the end of the term (end of winter term: 31st January / end of summer term: 31st July > excluding holidays) 
b. If the oral examination is during the winter or summer break, the lastest time period to put in your application is within the 16-17th week of that school term.

4. Oral Examination Application Procedure 

a. Access the student system → thesis/graduation/leave of absence → thesis application → "1. select thesis examination application"

This is an image

b. Fill in the title of your thesis, the expected month and year of graduation.
Note: The thesis title on all the application documents has to be consistent. If a change of the thesis title is made during the proposal defense, other than the inital proposal defense application form, all the other documents have to be re-printed and re-signed with the new title.  

This is an image

c. Fill up the details of your advising professor and the panel of assessors.
*Check with the faculty officers for the details of the assessors.  Otherwise, approach your advising professor for the information.  

This is an image

d. Check the accuracy of the information before printing them.
This is an image

e. Print the “Academic points evalution form” and conduct a self-evalution:
(1) 10 academic points of compulsory courses
(2) 14 academic points of selective courses (at least 12 academic points)
(3) Fulfill the graduation threshold courses requirement. These courses are not counted towards the compulsory and selective points requirement. 

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5. Actual day oral examination preparations:

a. Thesis Oral Defense Verification Form (1 copy). Please download the form from the oral exam application section of the student’s webpage.
b. Graduate Program Final Score Sheet for Degree Application (1 copy). Please download the form from the oral exam application section of the student’s webpage.
c. Thesis defense score sheet (1 copy for each panelist) (at least 3 for Master’s degree, at least 5 for PhD’s degree). Please download the form from the oral exam application section of the student’s webpage.
d. Certificate of Appointment of the panelist: you will receive from the faculty officer after the oral exam application is completed. Please give it to the panelist on the day of the examination. 
e. Expense recceipt(s) of the panelist: The faculty officer will inform you to collect the receipt(s) from the faculty office when it is ready. Please let the panelists sign and complete the details and submit to the faculty officer after the exam.

f. Students are required to pay for the panelist appointment fee and transportation fee first, the faculty officer will credit the amount to the student’s bank account after the examination.
g. Submit all the documents to the faculty officers for printing and scanning after the examination. 


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C. End of the oral examination

1. After the amendment of the thesis is completed, let your advising professor sign on the “Graduate Program Final Score Sheet for Degree Application” and submit to the faculty officers for the school seal.  
2. Visit the school library “MA-PhD’s Thesis System” to record and upload your thesis information. After uploading, print the “Master’s Thesis Agreement Form” directly from the webpage.
3.Follow the announcement on the Academic Affairs Office's homepage, "Matters Relating to the Departure of Schools", for the departure of students.

Note: The library will hold many training sessions on the thesis uploading exercise towards the end of the school term, all students are encouraged to self-register and attend.