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MA Program

MARequirements and Program Structure
Enrollment Year 英文組English Program
(學號前3碼) Regulations for Master Degree Program Master’s Program Curriculum
113 (113)2024
Regulations for Master Degree Program
(113)2024 DBS Master's Program Curriculum
112 (112)2023
Regulations for Master Degree Program
(112)2023 DBS Master's Program Curriculum 
111 (111)2022
Regulations for Master Degree Program
(111)2022 DBS Master's Program Curriculum






Flexible M.A. Thesis Options Tailored to Your Interests

Students pursuing their M.A. in Buddhist Studies have the flexibility to choose the focus of their thesis:

  • Academic Research: Conduct in-depth scholarly research on various aspects of Buddhism.
  • Translation Projects: Undertake classic Buddhist texts translation and annotation as your thesis.

For more details, refer to the Guidelines for the Composition of Classic Translations and Annotations as an M.A. Thesis .

Need a Helping Hand with Your M.A. Thesis?

If you'd like to use A.I. tools to assist with your thesis writing, be sure to check out the guidelines for proper use and support.
Guidelines for Using A.I. as Auxillary Writing Tool


Related information for the research students of the Department of Buddhist Studies

Please read the following before applying for the oral defense:
Details of the Fo Guang University Master’s and PhD’s program This is an image

Oral Defense Application Requirements

1. Required academic points and courses for graduation: Compulsory courses (10 academic points); Selective courses (14 academic points); Graduation threshold courses  
2. Pass the “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” (Students admitted from Academic Year 106 onwards)
    “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” Implementation Rules This is an image
    “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” Student’s Manual This is an image
3. Pass the “Thesis Plagiarism Verification System (Kuai Dao)”

Thesis Plagiarism Verification System
1. Kuai Dao Chinese Plagiarism Verification System  (For Chinese thesis)

Even though the English version of the verification system is currently unavailable, foreign students are still required to submit their papers for checking. Please approach your classmates should you need assistance.

  • Verification system link:

  • User Manual link:
     (★Please pay attention: the file name of the thesis must be exactly the same as the title of the thesis, and should not be adjusted arbitrarily, otherwise the Academic Affairs Office will ask for re-uploading)

    ​Application Procedue: Complete and pass the “Academic Research Ethics Education Course” and the “Thesis Plagiarism Verification System” set by the Ministry of Education. Fill in the Fo Guang University research student academic paper plagiarism verification checklist and attach the verification report. The similarity level has to be lower than 30%. If the similarity level is above 30%, the faculty dean or head of department with the thesis advisor will form an academic paper analysis group of 3 or more teachers to ensure that the paper does not go against the writing ethical rules before approving the oral defense application. A copy of the verification report has to be provided to the oral defense panel of assessors.

     2. Turnitin Teaching Manual  (For English thesis)

  • Verification system link:
  • To register and create a user profile, you must have been provided with a class ID and enrollment password by your instructor or institute.【Turnitin Student Tutorial】【Student User Guide(Official)
  • User Manual link: User Guide(ppt)Training Video
  • This system is used to compare the percentage of similar texts of individual articles and other materials.

    It provides the author with the possibility to reconfirm the quality of the content of a document before publication, and checks whether the cited documents have been omitted, which will help improve the output of the school papers quality.


Application for section transfer: Master Program Section Transfer Application Form This is an image  This is an image

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