
Date Title Category
Repaying Debts or Returning Favors
Dean’s 112-2 End-of-Semester Address to the Entire College
Second Buddhist Interpretation Workshop: Conveying the Wisdom of Dharma Announcement
Workshop: Migrants' Buddhism and Guanyin Cult in Yilan: Exploring Local Buddhist Beliefs Announcement
The Seventh 'Fofa Cup' kicks off with enthusiasm! Events
Congratulations! Our MA graduate of class 105, Jeffrey Liu, has been appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of History at the University of South Dakota, USA. Announcement
"Return Home - Beyond the Heart" B.A. Students' Graduation Exhibition Events
郭朝順院長談「持戒入禪勤精進」Observing Precepts and Entering Meditation Diligently Announcement
Visit of Ho Chi Minh City Buddhist Education Committee to the College of Buddhist Studies Events
Japanese "Yogachara Buddhist Dictionary" Translation Workshop Carrying on the Great Legacy of Buddhist Classic Transmission
 Year-end Appreciation Dinner "Cloud and Water Night Show" for the Whole College in the 112-1 Term Events
112-1 Semester-end Assembly
Words of Encouragement from the Dean"
Abiding in Impermanence and with Gratitude"

Guest Lecture: “On the Sutra of the Divine Spells of Great Auspiciousness: image-making and ritual practices in religious space” by Prof. Lidu Yi (Florida International University) Announcement
Co-organizing “International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, India” Events
Assistant Professor Juen Chien from the Department of Buddhist Studies was invited to deliver a speech at Ghent University in Belgium. Announcement
International Student Admission for Spring Semester 2024 Events
FGU Buddhist Studies Master Program Admission for 2024 Fall Semester Events
Visit to the Fo Guang Buddhist College by the Kolkata Tze-Chi Center, Fo Guang Shan International Buddhist Association Kolkata Chapter, and Distinguished Guests. Announcement
Welcome Event ❝ Matcha Mountain Day Trip ❞ Events
“The Kindness and Sharing of Friends”
Dean’s Talk at the 112-1 Semester Opening Assembly  By Dean Prof. Chao-Shun Kuo
Step Out! Buddhist Studies Department Overseas Exchange Sharing Event~ GO GO GO~~ Events