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Thesis Advisor Agreement

Thesis Advisor

From the third semester onward, the graduate student must choose a thesis advisor and submit "Thesis Advisor Agreement" before October 31st of Fall Semester and before March 31st of Spring Semester. Before thesis advisor is selected, the Dean or chair of the department will assign a professor as a temporary thesis advisor.

1. Before you choose your thesis advisor, please read the "Guide on Thesis Advisor" This is an image.
This course is governed by Part 5 of the PhD Program Requirements:

The same applies to the replacement of an instructor for any reason. The supervising professor shall be a part-time associate professor or above in the department, but may be a faculty member of another department with the consent of the department chair. If a professor emeritus of the department or a faculty member from outside the department is to be appointed as an instructional professor, it must be approved by the departmental board of trustees, and the department may request that a faculty member of the department be appointed as an instructional professor. Failure to submit an application for an instructional professor by the due date will result in the appointment of an instructional professor by the department.

2. After the thesis topic and direction is firmed up with your advisor, please complete the "Thesis Advisor Agreement Form" This is an image This is an imageand submit it to the faculty office.
PS: Please follow the instructions on page 2 of the "Thesis Advisor Agreement Form" to submit an outline before discussing the direction of the paper with the supervising professor and confirming the supervisor's wishes.

3. Should you wish to engage an advisor who is from the other faculty, you have to obtain the approval from your faculty. Please provide the following information: the topic and direction of your thesis and the basic profile and research area of your preferred advisor. Your application is subjected to approval by the faculty assessing teachers who will also take into consideration a co-advsior arrangement. If a co-advisor arrangement is required, please complete the "Joint Thesis Advisor Application Form" This is an image This is an image. Please submit it to the faculty officer after both adviors have signed the form.

*For a complete change of the thesis title or a change of the thesis advisor, please complete the "Change of Thesis Agreement Form" This is an image This is an image and submit it to the faculty officer after your advisor has signed it.

【The syllabus examination time】 is available for reference:
15 minutes for graduate students
5-10 minutes each for comments and remarks by lecturers and supervising professors.
Question time: 5-10 minutes
The above time is for reference only. In fact, please ask the supervising professor to set the rules for the presentation time.