Title: Observing Precepts and Entering Meditation Diligently
Speech at the Beginning of the 112-2 Semester Assembly
While studying the Avatamsaka Sutra, I have been deeply impressed by a particular sentence: "Observing precepts and entering meditation, possessing boundless supernatural powers, they reveal all the phenomena of the formless realm and all other worldly matters, yet they do not cause distress to sentient beings. For the sake of benefiting them, they expound everything gradually, enabling them to abide in the unsurpassed Buddha Dharma." I believe this can resonate with the educational objective we are attempting to realize in our department.
The meaning of the scripture is this: Bodhisattvas practicing the Fifth State must observe precepts to cultivate meditation. When they have perfected boundless supernatural powers, they can expound the principles of the formless realms and various worldly matters to sentient beings without causing them distress. This is done to gradually establish them in the unsurpassed Buddha Dharma and advance them towards enlightenment.
The "difficult to surpass" aspect of the Fifth State implies the mastery of unsurpassed meditative concentration. When practicing at this level, one must first face all worldly and transcendent phenomena with an equanimous and pure mind, abandoning all prejudices and judgments of value between worldly and transcendent phenomena. Only by doing so can one realize emptiness and accurately discern the principles of worldly and transcendent phenomena.
In other words, even though worldly phenomena are ultimately unreal, they still possess relative truths worth learning. The reality of transcendent phenomena lies in their utility for transcending worldly suffering; without worldly existence, there would be no value in their existence. This understanding is consistent with Nagarjuna's teaching, "Without relying on worldly truths, one cannot attain the ultimate truth," and Patriarch Huineng's teaching, "Buddha Dharma does not depart from worldly awareness." By cultivating equanimity and wisdom, not leaning towards either worldly or transcendent phenomena, one can attain meditative concentration. When this is accomplished, Bodhisattvas gain unsurpassed supernatural powers to benefit sentient beings.
Therefore, the meditative concentration cultivated at this State is not merely about achieving meditative absorption through sitting meditation. Even reaching the formless realms is still within the realm of worldly phenomena compared to attaining Buddhahood. The excellence of meditative concentration at this State lies in Bodhisattvas not only realizing the emptiness and equanimity of transcendent phenomena but also comprehending and mastering all worldly phenomena from the formless realms downward, and using them to benefit sentient beings and establish them in the unsurpassed Buddha Dharma.
Hence, the truly unparalleled meditative concentration of the Fifth State Bodhisattva is not only about achieving transcendent liberation but also about skillfully practicing various methods to benefit sentient beings without being tainted by the world. Therefore, the scripture states, "This Bodhisattva-Mahasattva, for the benefit of sentient beings, should learn all worldly skills," because sentient beings are infinite and diverse in their inclinations. Bodhisattvas, in order to skillfully benefit and guide them, should broaden their knowledge and skills accordingly.
However, doesn't learning so many disciplines contradict the principles of serene meditation? Could it even lead one to forget the path of true liberation amidst worldly illusions? Indeed, this is possible. Hence, "observing precepts" becomes crucial. "Observing precepts" is not merely about passive abstinence; it also involves active engagement in virtuous deeds, as it is said, "Abstain from all evil, and practice all good." "Observing precepts and entering meditation" requires both the abandonment of evil and the diligent pursuit of goodness. These two must progress simultaneously to cultivate meditation effectively. Without abandoning evil, there is no liberation from defilement and no maintenance of purity of body and mind. However, if one does not desire to do good deeds, despite possessing meditative concentration and supernatural powers, and is unwilling to engage in benefiting sentient beings, then it is of no use to them.
Once one focuses on benefiting sentient beings, shouldn't Bodhisattvas diligently practice and learn various methods day by day? Therefore, I believe that "observing precepts and entering meditation diligently" is indeed a fundamental principle for realizing the Four Great Vows of Bodhisattvas: "Sentient beings are numberless; I vow to liberate them. Afflictions are endless; I vow to extinguish them. Dharma doors are boundless; I vow to master them. The Buddha Way is unsurpassable; I vow to attain it." I hope that all of you, during your time in school and throughout your lives, can emulate the Fifth State Bodhisattva by observing precepts, entering meditation diligently, and extensively learning various kinds of knowledge and disciplines, for your own benefit as well as for the benefit of sentient beings.