and here we are, I never successfully sent a single letter to him, and now he’s one with the universe.
Somewhere along the years while I was still in taiwan I also stopped being upset that I was trapped in the political crossfire between different departments and being left in the shadow as the translator. Yes, I threw many a hissy fit for being overlooked - lots of “why do the other white Americans get special meet and greets but I never get anything for all the work I do?” (Duh reverse racism exists and was a shadow that followed me in taiwan and beijing.) The closest I ever got to him was when I was called in to “model” the summer youth leadership uniform on year and he laid his hand on my hip and said “this one is good”- by then his eyesight had gone, and he probably had no idea who I was. It was during this Buddhas Light International Association General Conference when I was doing the live English transcription for him without relying on any of the cues from the on-stage English interpreter, that I realized that I can hear him in my mind without actually needing sound. It was also at that moment that I realized I was ready to take his teachings and bring it to others. And so, I canned the musings about renouncing and made preparations to leave taiwan.
Grief is an understatement for what I feel at the moment; loneliness is a bit closer - it doesn’t help that here in the US, it’s like I have a completely different life, my social circles don’t understand the Buddhist/religious parts of my past. Amidst all the sadness and this flood of tears, one emotion stands out stronger than most: gratitude. Thank you, Venerable Master, for your life’s work in spreading compassion and showing us the way to a spiritual home that is always warm and welcoming. Guided and supported by the foundation you built with your vows, I draw courage to get up each day to fulfill my vows.
His heart held the compassionate vows to liberate all lives,
His body was an untethered ferry on the Dharma sea,
If you asked him what good did he achieve in his life?
"The Buddha's Light shines upon the whole wide world."
文章來源 轉貼本系畢業系友 Justin Tsui facebook貼文