佛光山西方寺、国际佛光会福冈协会寻根之旅 与斯里兰卡分会轮番缘聚佛教学院
佛光山西方寺 的寻根之旅,一行18人在监寺妙藏法师 的率领下,10月11日上午抵达佛光大学佛教学院。多数人首次造访佛教学院,由佛教学系主任郑维仪 副教授、生活老师妙迦法师、硕士班英文组 林丽施(港籍)、慧居法师(印籍)及吉彦儒,硕士班中文组江怡慧、学士班慧怀法师(印籍)导览接待,心理学系印具(印籍)同学也随行招待。
席间,多位佛光人踊跃发问,大众深刻了解大师为提升佛教、为社会作育英才的耕耘,见证百万人兴学的力量。硕士班英文组林丽施分享「We are happy to have visitors from Hsi Fang Temple to visit our University on Oct. 11, 2023. We gave them a tour of the whole University in particular The Centre for Buddhist Studies. Professor WY Cheng delivered a talk about the department including admission process and scholarship. They were very interested about it and raised a lot of questions. They also visited our library on fifth floor of the department, where it only collects old canonical scriptures and modern texts about different branches of Buddhism in Chinese and English versions. They are amazed to see Pali manuscript of Tibetan Buddhism and rich collection of Buddhist texts.We sincerely hope they can come back and become one of the students of the University to learn to preach dharma in the future.」
当日下午, 国际佛光会斯里兰卡分会 辅导法师觉门法师 特引领5位斯里兰卡的法师、1位居士参访,佛教学系主任郑维仪副教授、生活老师妙迦法师、硕士班英文组Ananda法师(孟加拉籍)、吉彦儒及硕士班中文组江怡慧热情接待。诸位法师了解佛教学院软硬件资源丰富的学习环境,讚叹大师为教育兴办大学不忘推动佛教教育。
紧接着,日本国际佛光会福冈协会 辅导法师如恺法师 带领15位佛光人莅临,由佛教学系曾稚棉助理教授、生活老师妙迦法师、博士班知泉法师、硕士班英文组吉彦儒、硕士班中文组江怡慧、谭伟姬(港籍)、蔬食系萩庭明香音(日籍)盛情接待。吉彦儒同学表示,一天接待三组团队,很欢喜有机会能与世界各地的佛光人结缘,也感谢众多佛光人感念大师创办教育的贡献,多年来持续兴学护持教育,延续不平凡的生命意义。