Fo Guang University Graduate Student Conference on Buddhist Studies 2023



活动时间: 2023 5 月初


  1. 含论文题目、摘要(500-800字)。
  2. 缴交截止日:2023 2 19 日。
  1. 「全文」包含:论文题目、摘要、关键字(约5个)、正文、参考文献。
  2. 「正文」字数介于800015000字之间。
  3. 缴交截止日:2023 3 19
(三)以上文件需以电子档(word pdf缴至学会的电子信箱 fgudbsgsa@gmail.com
  1. 鼓励从课堂报告、学位论文部分章节,作为发表内容。
  2. 不接受已对外发表过之论文。
  3. 凡是符合学术论文格式皆可;本会提出的学术论文格式规范谨供参考,而非绝对标准。
  4. 发表者将于发表会上获得专家之讲评或博士生之与谈。

【Call for Papers】
1. Themes: Any field related to Buddhism is acceptable.
2. Date: May 2023.
3. Venue: FGU Yun-shui Building.
4. Submission Schedule:
1) Registration Form
i. Please provide a title and an abstract (500 to 800 words) for your paper on the registration form.
ii. Deadline: February 29, 2023.
2) Full Paper
i. There should be a title, an abstract, keywords, a main body, and references in a full paper.
ii. There should be approximately 8,000-15,000 words in the main body of the paper.
iii. Deadline: March 19, 2023.
3) The above files (both PDF and Word) should be sent to the email address: fgudbsgsa@gmail.com
5. Others
1) The content of an in-class presentation or the thesis proposed for the conference are welcome to submit.
2) It is not acceptable to submit papers that have been published elsewhere.
3) Any paper conforming to the format of academic papers is acceptable; the format specifications of academic papers proposed by the Association are for reference only.
4) There will be comments on the presentation by scholars and experts as well as by fellow PhD students.
6. Organizer: FGU Department of Buddhist Studies Graduate Student Association.

详情请见: https://t.ly/wDW0

佛光大学佛教学系 (6)