汉藏佛教译者培育及翻译工作坊 开放报名
Program for Cultivating Translators of Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Texts & Translation Workshop

  • 2023-05-22
  • buddhist网站管理员
佛教学系苏南望杰老师 为培育学生与有志趣者,将来成为汉藏佛教翻译人才及从事佛教翻译为主要目标,联合校外人士共同推动计画,扩展翻译人才及佛典翻译规模。
Our primary objective is to offer progressive support to students and aspirants wishing to engage in the translation of Sino-Tibetan Buddhist texts.
We will work together with scholars in the greater translation community to promote the eventual formation of teams for undertaking the translation of Buddhist scriptures at scale.
|日期 Date| 2023年6月7日(三 Wed.)9:00-16:00
|地点 Location|佛光大学佛教学院 云水轩N117室
Fo Guang University, College of Buddhist Studies, Yunshui Bldg. N117

➤ 报名人数30人以内 Registration for 30 people only!
|报名截止日期 Registration Deadline| 2023年6月3日(六 Sat.)
|手刀报名| https://forms.gle/eGC9tqBDtrifP9Kz5

