Co-organizing “International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, India”

  • 2023-12-11
  • buddhist网站管理员
Through the assistance of Prof. Sonam, DBS co-organizes this year’s “International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, India”. The details of the Forum is as the following.

International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, India
20th -23rd December 2023
印度菩提伽耶国际僧伽论坛 🌱

The four-day program will invite over 2000 monastics from Buddhist traditions around the world. On the first three days of the conference, monks, nuns, and Bhikkhu scholars from the different Buddhist traditions will start the discussions on the finer aspects of the Vinaya rules and the role of Buddhism in the 21st century. The conference will conclude with a prayer gathering at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya with Buddhist Leaders and Maha Sanghas on the last day.

The primary focus of the conference is to develop ongoing dialogues and collaboration between practitioners of the Pali traditions of Southeast and South Asian countries of India, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Indonesia) and those of the Sanskrit tradition from Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Russia, Mongolia and other parts of the world.
本次会议的主要聚焦来自巴利传统 (印度、泰国、缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝、斯里兰卡、孟加拉和印尼等 ),及来梵文传统 (西藏、不丹、尼泊尔、越南、中国、台湾、日本、韩国、俄罗斯、蒙古等) 的修行者之间的持续对话与合作。

The conference will identify and highlight the benefits of studies and practices that are common to all traditions as well as develop an appreciation and understanding of the strengths of found within those traditions which are viewed as being different.

There is an urgent and pressing need to discuss how to maintain the authenticity of established Buddhist traditions while at the same time allow for adaptation of the Buddha’s teachings to meet the needs of people during these challenging times. The Dharma needs to be made more easily accessible, relevant, and meaningful to those in regions unfamiliar with Buddhism and the younger generations. In order to achieve this goal and prevent the degeneration of the Dharma, it is imperative to consider how to support and maintain the standards of Buddhist monastics in our contemporary world.



