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Research Expertise 中世紀漢傳佛教史、中國佛性論、佛教與中國思想交流 (Chinese Buddhist thought of medieval China, The concept of buddha-nature of Chinese Buddhism, An intellectual interaction between Buddhism and Daoism from the 3rd to the 10th centuries)
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Current Course BU31900 天台宗研究(Tiantai School)
BU68200 如來藏思想研究(Tathagatagarbha Buddhism)
BU51B00 佛教行儀 II(Buddhist Demeanors II)
BU60600 佛教行持Ⅱ(Buddhist PracticeⅡ)
GE18502 書院理念與實踐(Idea of Residential College and Practice)
Year Paper Title
2023 曾稚棉, 《觀音玄義》作者再考, 《佛光學報》, vol. 新九卷, 第二期, pp. 85-158, Jul. 2023
2016 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, A Re-examination of the Relationship between Buddha-nature and Dao-nature with regard to Insentient Things, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University《創價大學.國際佛教學高等研究所年報》, 19, Mar. 2016
Year Paper Title
2024 曾稚棉, 中國佛教叢林生活對環境之態度初探: 以《禪苑清規》為例, 存有、思想與生命意義-沈清松教授逝世六週年紀念國際學術研討會, Jun. 06-08, 2024
2023 曾稚棉, 《大乘起信論》與腦神經學及認知心理學在認知形成機制之比較, 2023 文本、行動與療癒:佛教與心理療癒對話學術研討會, May. 26-27, 2023
2022 曾稚棉, 從佛教發心與心理學動機談學習行為—以《菩薩地持經》之種性與發心為例, 2022 解脫與療癒:佛教與心理學對話研討會, Jun. 10-11, 2022
2017 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, The Influence of the Concept of One Vehicle in the Lotus Sutra on Jizang’s Discussion of Universal Buddha-nature, The 22nd Annual International Lotus Sutra Seminar (ILSS), Jun. 27-Jul. 01, 2017, 東京
2015 曾稚棉, “湛然的無情有性說與玄學的交涉” (An intellectual interaction of Zhanran’s discussion of insentient things having Buddha-nature with Arcane Study), 漢傳佛教青年學者論壇, Jun. 26-27, 2015, 台北
2014 曾稚棉, “An intellectual interaction of Jizang’s discussion of buddha-nature with Arcane Study”, 2014東亞佛教思想文化國際學術研討會, Oct. 31-Nov. 02, 2014, 台北
2012 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, “Why do insentient things have buddha-nature?: A re-examination of Jizang’s claim”, American Academy of Religion (AAR), Nov. 17-20, 2012, Chicago
2011 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, “A comparison of buddha-nature and Dao-nature before the Tang Dynasty”, XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS), Jun. 20-25, 2011, 台北
2010 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, “A re-examination of the meaning of buddha-nature as seen in the Mahāparinirvāna-sūtra”, American Academy of Religion (AAR)-Eastern International Region, May. 07-08, 2010, Ottawa
2010 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, “A re-examination of the meaning of buddha-nature as seen in the Mahāparinirvāna-sūtra”, 2010 North American Graduate Student Conference in Buddhist Studies, Apr. 09-11, 2010, Toronto
Year Book Title
2018 Chih-mien Adrian TSENG, 原論文 "A Re-examination of the Relationship between Buddha-nature and Dao-nature with regard to Insentient Things" (《創價大學.國際佛教學高等研究所年報》19) 同時收錄在《中国関係論説資料》第58号第一冊下, 論説資料保存会, Feb. 2018
Country School Name Department Degree
McMaster University 宗教學 博士 博士
University of Toronto 宗教學 碩士 碩士
University of Toronto 宗教與數學 學士 學士
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 雲水書院 辦公室主任 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
專任 雲水書院 辦公室主任 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
專任 教務處 主任 2020.08 ~ 2021.07
專任 雲水書院 辦公室主任 2018.09 ~ 2020.07
專任 佛教學系 助理教授 2017.08 ~ 2025.07
專任 國際暨兩岸事務處 主任 2016.09 ~ 2018.07
專任 佛教學系 助理教授 2016.08 ~ 2017.07
專任 佛教學系 助理教授 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
漢學研究中心漢學研究中心 外籍學人 2014.08 ~ 2014.12
University of Western OntarioKing's Coll 講師 2013.01 ~ 2013.04
McMaster University 助理 2012.09 ~ 2013.12
McMaster University 助教 2008.09 ~ 2012.04
McMaster University 助理 2006.09 ~ 2008.06
University of Toronto 助理 2005.09 ~ 2006.04
University of Toronto 助教 2005.09 ~ 2005.12