The Seventh 'Fofa Cup' kicks off with enthusiasm!

  • 2024-05-12
  • buddhist網站管理員

Fo Guang University's College of Buddhist Studies and the College of Buddhist Studies at Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts hold the "#Fofa Cup" (BuddhaDharma Cup) friendship match every May. This annual event alternates between the institutions, focusing on enriching the students' spirit through sports and Buddhist teachings, and fostering communication, interaction, and teamwork.


This year, the seventh 'Fofa Cup' is hosted by Fo Guang University. In the campus' Hui-En Hall, the event was launched passionately. Led by President Jow-Fei Ho  of Fo Guang University, Dean Chaoshun Kuo of the College of Buddhist Studies, along with all the students, they warmly welcomed the faculty and students from Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts.

President Ting-Ming Chen  of Dharma Drum Institute led his faculty and students, including Director Weijen Teng  and faculty members Polang Tsai , Tzung-kuen Wen, and Yu-Chun Wang, along with 58 students, to participate in the event, creating a lively and exciting atmosphere.

Master Jueguan of Fo Guang University and guzheng instructor Chang Tingya also led a guzheng orchestra to perform three impressive pieces, including a Buddhist chant sung in Tibetan, dazzling the audience. President Chen Dingming even joked that they should replicate such performances to spread Buddhism. 箏樂團

President Ho teamed up with Professor Kan  of Fo Guang University to compete against Dharma Drum Institute in the opening badminton doubles match of the Dharma Cup, clinching a thrilling 22-20 victory and energetically opening this year's Fofa Cup. 441315096_893328389474002_1069100340879495016_n

In the afternoon, the College of Buddhist Studies  hosted a '#Golden Brain' quiz game based on Buddhist knowledge, featuring intense rounds of quick responses, pushing the excitement to its peak. The day concluded with a '#Tea Ceremony and Guzheng Music' session to calm the atmosphere, with Tea Ceremony Teacher Qiu Qiuwei having trained over ten '#Seed Tea Masters' for the department, each tea ceremony table offering full sincerity and fragrance.

President Ho of Fo Guang University mentioned, "Fofa Cup is a traditional exchange event between Fo Guang and Dharma Drum schools. Through sports, arts, and academic exchanges, it embodies the founders' vision of Humanistic Buddhism. By engaging in such modern and interactive ways, the Buddhist universities can learn from each other, which is a great way for growth!" 🫰