佛教学系主任郑维仪副教授出席亚洲研究学会「AAS 2023 Annual Conference」发表「Not Humanistic Buddhism Nor a Monk – A Case Study of Householder Leader Li Bingnan in Taiwan」一文

  • 2023-03-20
  • buddhist网站管理员
佛光大学佛教学系主任郑维仪副教授前往美国波士顿「AAS 2023 Annual Conference」发表「Not Humanistic Buddhism Nor a Monk ― A Case Study of Householder Leader Li Bingnan in Taiwan」一文。

郑维仪副教授所参与的分论坛为「Portraits of Buddhists in the Modern and Contemporary Sinophone World」,讨论现当代华语世界的佛教徒现状,郑老师则发表〈Not Humanistic Buddhism Nor a Monk ― A Case Study of Householder Leader Li Bingnan in Taiwan〉一文,探讨在家居士与当代佛教的关系。
Associate Professor Wei-Yi Cheng, Chair of the Department of Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University, presented a paper the "AAS 2023 Annual Conference" titled "Not Humanistic Buddhism Nor a Monk — A Case Study of Householder Leader Li Bingnan in Taiwan".
Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is the world's largest Asian studies academic organization. Information exchange through publications, conferences and workshops. Every spring, the Association for Asian Studies holds a four-day annual conference in the United States, providing scholars with opportunities to exchange academic achievements in Asian studies.

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