
  • 2023-09-22
  • buddhist网站管理员
由佛光山丛林学院及南华大学宗教学研究所联合主办,9月22日在佛光山云来集101大会议厅举行开幕式。此次佛教学系博士生谷有量、硕士生英文组 Lewis Hurd 二位同学参加发表,经过评审委员的评选,恭喜谷有量 同学荣获优良论文奖。

文 / 博士生 谷有量

文 / 硕士班英文组 Lewis Hurd
The conference was a great chance to hear presentations from fellow researchers and enjoy a lively atmosphere where one could meet students and teachers from other colleges and discuss topics of Buddhist studies in depth. Fo Guang Shan, which hosted the event this year, was very accommodating and proved to be an ideal location for sharing these experiences.✌️



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